Museum in Kannur

The following tourist attractions in Kannur are the best places to visit whether you want to learn about history, culture, or simply go sightseeing. Museum in Kannur give its residents their genuine essence and rich culture. If you want something more profound and important, go to the city’s museums. Explore with these museum in Kannur’s cultural, artistic, scientific or historical aspect.

St Angelo Fort

museum in Kannur, st angelo fort, places to visit in kerala

St Angelos Fort is unquestionably one of Kannur’s most popular and often visited attractions, and with good reason. This fortress’s pristine yet archaic structure exudes undiluted elegance and tremendous strength. St Angelos Fort, which stands ashore in the Arabian Sea, has a panoramic and unhindered perspective of the tableau generated by the collision of magnetic waves and blue waters. It also has a stunning view of Mopilla Bay, a natural harbour. The huge fort is composed of laterite and is triangular in design. Its moat, powerful and parallel bastions, ammo dumps, subterranean jails, and hidden tunnels testify to the thorough design and construction that went into this key military outpost.

Parassinikadavu Snake Park

parassinikadavu snake park, museum in Kannur

The snake park in Parassinikkadavu is one of Kannur’s most intriguing tourist attractions. The park is home to approximately 150 reptile species, including crocodiles, lizards, and snakes, as well as endemic and migratory uncommon aquatic bird species. The Visha Chikista Kendra, a medical institution that diagnoses and treats snakebites, was the driving force behind the creation of Parassinikadavu Snake Park. The major goal of building this park was to dispel myths about snakes, educate the general public about these creatures, and raise awareness among them. Each animal’s cage contains a brief explanation of the animal’s habitat, moods, idiosyncrasies, and other intriguing tidbits that teach visitors about these rare and genuinely amazing creatures.

Arakkal Museum

Museum in Kannur, arakkal museum, tourist places in kannur

Arakkal Kettu was the former residence of the Arakkal Ali Rajas, Kerala’s sole Muslim royal family. The palace is located three kilometres from Kannur town, directly across the Ayikkara Moplah Bay. The Kettu palace complex is a linked long block centred on a vast open ground where prayers or namaz are offered. The palace complex of Arakkal kettu is constructed of laterite blocks and wood, with stunning and elaborate woodwork on most of the houses. The palace, which has broad verandas at the front, has a distinct aspect that reflects a mix of local and colonial design. The main palace building is two-story, having huge halls with wooden floors on the upper floor. The palace’s double shuttered windows have coloured glass panes that catch the light and appear wonderful.

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